Your Organisation's Software Implementation Mysteries.... SOLVED! πŸ”

Procure > Implement > Optimise

CTO's, Software Procurement Leads and IT Systems Budget Holders....

βœ… Have you been tasked with procuring or implementing a new software solution for your company and want to ensure it lives up to expectations and budget?

βœ…Are you feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the project you've been tasked with, the myriad of options available, and the pressure to deliver the best solution for your organisation?

βœ…Has your organisation been burnt by a systems investment in the past, stuck with new software that your teams were frustrated by and generally didn't live up to the sales person's promises so morale was low and / or you had to keep forking out for amendments and upgrades to make it work?

Your senior management team is understandably anxious not to repeat previous mistakes and putting pressure on you to ensure that the next solution delivers on its promises.

You know that the success of this project will be directly related to how well you manage each step of the procurement and requirement gathering process.

You are conscious that for this project to deliver on expectations, you need to engage your teams from the outset and do a thorough requirement gathering exercise with all potentially affected teams and stakeholders.

But you have no idea where to start.

That's where we come in.

At Optimise Your Software Ltd, we specialise in empowering your business through strategic software transformation. Our tailored approach focuses on enhancing processes, fostering teamwork, and driving lasting results. Partner with us to elevate your organisation to new heights of efficiency and success

Whether you are a CTO, Head of IT or have been asked to manage the implementation because your team will be affected or "it kind of falls into your remit doesn't it?" you have come to the right place for the help you need

Introducing a Sample of the Interactive and Deliverable-Focused Workshops We Can Offer Your Organisation:

Workshop 1:

Requirement Detectives

Teams will work together to create a strategy for a thorough requirements gathering exercise they will take away and action.

Suitable for all parties impacted and potentially affected by the planned software upgrade and tailored to your strategic objectives to achieve maximum team buy-in.

Workshop 2:

Question, Arrest or Release?

Teams will examine the evidence collected in their requirements gathering exercise and prioritise each item against a set of parameters relating to your strategic objectives and desired outcomes for your software transformation.

Suitable for all parties impacted and potentially affected by the planned software upgrade and tailored to your strategic objectives to achieve maximum team buy-in.

Workshop 3:

CSI - Your Experts on the Ground

For your project champions / change agents to understand their critical role and responsibilities, how they will work with both the project team and the business to ensure the success of the project.

Suitable for the project team plus any team members who are not in the immediate project team but will be acting as project champions / change agents across the business.

Workshop 4:

Law & Order - Your Business Is Represented By Two Separate Yet Equally Important Groups

With the project team as the "Detectives", and your other leaders in the business the "Prosecution", they will come together to create a prosecution strategy to understand both side's vital role in the success of the project and how they can better contribute and support the project team throughout the process.

Suitable for all the managers, leaders, senior management team who are not involved in the project and tailored to your strategic objectives to achieve maximum team buy-in.

Workshop 5:

Beyond Paradise (Go Live) - What happens next?

For your project team and project champions / change agents to create their post implementation adoption and optimisation plan, so you ensure maximum ROI on your investment and satisfaction rating from your teams and clients.

Suitable for project planning procurement and implementation leads and tailored to your strategic objectives to achieve maximum team buy-in.

These example workshop descriptions are shown as a guide and all will be adapted to meet your business and strategic objectives.

Software System Upgrades That Put People First

Our collective 40 + years experience in software transformation, has proven that the organisations whose software transformations achieve the highest ROI and satisfaction ratings are those that engage with their teams early on, take on board their views and implement solutions that work for all.

Our workshops are designed to access the wealth of knowledge and ideas your teams already possess.

Online or In-Person... Which Option Suits You Best?

We can attend your premises to work with your teams in person, or if your people are based in multiple locations or remote/WFH, we will deliver via your preferred secure online meeting provider.

We work with the best virtual producers to ensure that your participants have an excellent experience and you get the same outcomes whether your workshops are online or in person.


Book a Software Transformation Project Discovery Call

Click the button below to schedule a telephone or online video call to discuss your organisation's workshop requirements or to enquire about our consultancy options.